OUR STAFF AT Arlington Eye Center
Our exceptional eye care staff in Reno, Nevada look forward to helping you and your family with all your eye care needs. We will help you select the most appropriate frames or contact lenses and will meticulously fit your new glasses to meet your needs. At Arlington Eye Center, we are dedicated to optimizing your vision care.
Meet Our Staff in Reno, Nevada
We will help accommodate your busy schedule, explain insurance coverage and if financial arrangements are necessary, we will be glad to help you develop a plan to make your vision care treatment possible.

With extensive experience in all facets of the optical business, Kathy is exceptionally talented in choosing the perfect eyewear for her clients. She also possesses that “magic” touch in adjusting high-end eyewear to produce the best fit possible. Her dedication to the needs of each client insures the perfect eyewear for each individual lifestyle. She can visualize the perfect frame for each face and takes the time to make sure all their visual needs are addressed. Kathy is also a talented artist, making original crystal necklaces and bracelets which are one-of-a-kind and in incredible demand.

Patty is a marvel of efficiency and organization. Her years of experience in both the optical and the optometric technician fields maximize her effectiveness and ability to handle all aspects of the practice and meet patient needs at Arlington Eye Center. Her 20+ years of cross-training coupled with her unique ability to get along well with everyone enables her to keep the office running like a “Swiss Watch”, while making it pleasant and fun for everyone working with her. She seamlessly moves from task to task wherever she sees the need in the office.